Back off holidays, had a lovely time. The weather was quite good to us and rained mostly at night, so didn't do much parchment. When we came home we decided that it was time to take our dog Biddy to the vets to be put to sleep, she had quite a few things wrong, mostly linked with old age, she would have been 16 at the end of the month, so she had had a good long lovely life, but it is still sad ......and a hard decion to make. Not only was it Biddy, but our friends and next door neighbours had to have their dog put to sleep as well. Chocks was Biddys sister, they had lived with each other all this time, they grew old together so in a funny sort of way it was nice that they have ended their lives together. So I will be back to blogging soon but just for a day or two I will just be visiting everyone.