5 days
later ... every box, drawer, cupboard, jar or any other type of container has been inspected sorted and re - organised.
Bits of paper and card have gone into the recycling bin...full to overflowing so I put a few bits in (well thats a lie ) I filled the recycling box, a large cardboard box and a bag...
oh was i feeling poorly...
all those bits that I'd kept because oh I might just want that colour,
well its gone now.
(well most of it)
All papers and card are in colour order,
all flowers in bags in all different sorts,
decided to faffy to do into colours.
Well poor husband has been off work poorly,
he thinks I've gone mad.
It just had to be done stuff that I haven't used for years some gone in dustbin,
some to car boot, some just given to my friend and of course some to my neices who will still come and use all my good stuff.
The thing was I bet loads of you are the same ...
I couldn't buy anymore because
there was no room left....lol.
Well I've got a good few spaces to fill now.
Be back soon.
Could be a day or two as I'm going to sort the only thing left that hasn't been done
my stash of craft mags...
oh no I'm a magazineaholic.
Dont think I can chuck any but going to enjoy looking throught them all.
night night.
Lovely cards Poppy, and well done on having a ruthless clear out, it's very satisfying isn't it (once you get past the guilt trip :)
Fab cards Poppy
Wendy x
Gorgeous cards Lynn, omg five days to sort, it only took me one so am guessing you must have TONS of stuff, lm on my way now lolol!!! Happy reading :)
Elaine x
Morning Poppy
Sounds like you have been busy. I always find things I forgot I had!!
Emma x
Sorry forgot to say...all gorgeous cards.
Emma x
Fabulous cards Poppy, I especially love your aperture, so striking and extra beautiful detail.
Good on you sorting out your stash, reckon I should just trash my bit box because there is never anything in there that I need at the time lol.
Nicola -x-
Three lovely cards Poppy, I love the look of your blog too. x
Yes Poppy I know that feeling, my cupboards and drawers are full to overflowing, I could really do with a clear out, but I expect it will got back again in the same place. Beautiful cards Poppy, I love them they are gorgeous. Love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
Lovely cards!!
Cleaning up... yes, sometimes we have to do that!! :)
I must eat my words, you have been busy making lovely cards.
Gorgeous cards Poppy, luv the 1st bday one beautiful, oh i hope your room stays tidy!! lol. mine doesnt!! sue,x
Crikey Poppy, quite a task you had there on your hands, bet your glad its all done now :) lovely cards you have made :) Donna x
Gorgeous cards poppy and I can totally relate to your crafting sort out, one of the best things about being a crafter is the organisation in my opinion lol!! I do enjoy chucking out all the old stuff and having a splurge to replace it all! Oh, and I'm a magazine-a-holic too! All mine now go in the recycling bin when the new issue comes out, I'm being so good!
Love Becky xx
Fabulous cards Poppy.
Well done you with the clear out, I did the same thing a few weeks back, it does feel really good when it's all done.
Joanne x
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